About Us

BEDL was incorporated in September 2007.
The company includes personnel with an academic background and also an industrial background.
BEDL has expertise in:
- Electrical machine design
- Industrial power electronics
- Electromagnetic finite element analysis, software development
- Prototype design build and test
BEDL holds several patents on novel magnetic geared electrical machines, linear and rotary.
Company activities include engineering consultancy for other companies and governments, software development and novel electrical machines. The latter involves designing the machine from scratch, perhaps with a rig to test it, the control system, if required, and extensive testing.
BEDL has a workshop, with 5-axis machining capability, variable-voltage, variable-frequency supplies and Yokogawa instrumentation.
Super Efficient
Small team with minimal overheads.
We will tell you if we think you will be wasting your money and typically perform an initial study to justify any further, larger spend.
Over 16 years in business.